Agence SEO

SEO agency: How to choose the right one?

7 July 2023 Eugénie Delhaye
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Finding an SEO agency, an SEO expert, or any kind of web marketing team can be difficult for an entrepreneur who has no background knowledge in the field. Indeed, anyone can claim to be an expert and pull out a certificate found from the bottom of the web to prove his or her skills. The truth is that you can never be 100% sure that you have chosen the right person to help you.

This article is not intended to prove to you by A + B reasoning that My Little Big Web is a better choice than any other team of experts. This article is intended to help you analyze the right elements when the time comes to choose a team that will help advise you in your web marketing strategy. We will therefore discuss the important points to consider before selling you on a smile, a prize or a promise made by a representative.

1 / Going through a SEO agency can be expensive

This is the comment that most often comes from various negotiations between agencies and their clients. Some may think that costs charged by agencies are not so high when comparing the time spent training, updating and analyzing all the element of a site in order to find the factors that block Google’s indexing. As far as we are concerned, we believe that using a team of experts in SEO and Web Marketing is expensive. It costs a lot of time, money and energy. The agency that manages your SEO/advertising strategy has less to lose than you. After all, you’re just one customer…

So you have to make sure that the expenses associated with the services of an SEO team quickly turn into investments in order to receive the various benefits you have been promised. As you have probably understood, the agency you hire must be accountable to you and justify their rates. Many business leaders simply “trust blindly” without taking the time to analyze the return on investment of their web marketing expenses.

Remember: SEO or advertising agency is not so expensive if you get the return on investment that satisfies you.

2 / “One SEO agency gave me a cheaper quote than another”

More and more SEO/web marketing agencies understand the importance of lowering prices so as to continue increasing their customer base. Given that prices cannot be reduced down to nothing, it is necessary to lower output quality in order to continue to be profitable. It is here that we find the agencies that have chosen to outsource to India, Madagascar and Asia to find cheap labour. Obviously, nobody likes to talk about this, and everyone publically advocates for the “local” option.

You cannot imagine the number of times per week that agencies (including us) get approached for subcontracting requests of this type. At My Little Big Web, we are also looking to lower our prices to remain competitive but not by outsourcing to other agencies in order to lower our own costs:


We are a Tunisian SEO agency existing for more than 6 years now.

We offer you our services in managing your net linking campaigns at a very competitive price.

Net linking is a service we have been offering since 2010. This service is 100% manual and provided by qualified and trained people. Our workplace methods always adapt to the latest requirements of search engines, above all Google.

The main objective is to receive quality and natural links and from high value-added sources.

The links will be on various pages: blog articles, partner pages, content pages … We do not work on directories and so-called press release platforms. Also, our links are not put on pages that already contain a significant number of external links.

And Blah Blah Blah …”

That being said, outsourcing like this has been used for a long time and we are happy to pay $8 for a tee shirt instead of $70 (thank you China). The problem comes from when you pay $70 for the same quality as the $8 T-shirt coming from the same factory or when you think you’ve found a good deal without knowing your shirt be destroyed right when it goes through the wash.

This is EXACTLY the same thing with regards to choosing your SEO agency: take the time to read the label! Keep in mind that if you don’t understand the ingredients of your favourite spread (ours being Nutella), it means that you may not know exactly what you’re eating in terms of nutrition … Which brings us to the following point:

3 / Dare to ask your SEO agency all the questions you have

SEO, online advertising, website design or any other discipline you do not know about should not be kept a secret to you if you decide to invest your money. You may not be able to evaluate the knowledge of the SEO expert who will try to sell you their services but you will be able to observe their reaction to your questions. In reality, you can quickly assess the seriousness of the person you have in front of you: do they feel comfortable with your questions? Do they answer your questions in a way that suggests they are trying to get out of it any way they can? Many ” SEO/advertising sellers ” know nothing about SEO because they are simply not in charge of executing the contract (whether their company is big or small).

It is therefore very important that you analyze the person you have in front of you. I’ll say one thing: if you do not understand what the expert/salesperson is explaining to you, they’re probably trying to confuse you. A true SEO expert will bring themselves down to your level and use appropriate language when answering the questions you ask. By assessing their knowledge, you will succeed in quickly unmasking any impostors. Here are the awkward questions to ask if you have doubts about the seriousness of the expert who comes before you:

  • How can you prove to me the knowledge/expertise you claim to have?
  • Can you explain how you are able to offer your services for cheaper than your competitors?
  • Are you certified by Google? 9 times out of 10, the person will tell you yes but 9 times out of 10 this is false. Ask them to prove it to you, as you may never see them again.
  • What guarantees can you give me?
  • Can I contact previous customers to assess their level of satisfaction?
  • Can you tell me concretely how you intend to achieve my goals?

Clients never ask these kind of questions, surely because they do not dare to or think that asking questions like this its simply just not done. Yet these questions are a great way to discourage people who are not serious.

4/ Should I go through a small or large SEO agency?

In reality, it does not matter because everyone can outsource work or lie about their skills. The important thing to keep in mind is knowing exactly who is going to do the work and who will be accountable. If the person you pay is not the same person who actually carries out the job (as is often the case), you need to know who to call in case of a problem to get answers quickly. The first three months are very important when you start working with a company in charge of your online strategy. You will quickly see if you are treated as you have been promised and if the results are up to your expectations.

A large agency often tends to reassure customers because they have existed for a long time and have a large customer portfolio to provide you with many references. The disadvantage here is often the fact that you are a client among 500 others and that your level of importance depends on the amount you pay.

The smaller agency may seem more risky but you will have less difficulty speaking directly to the leaders and getting your opinion heard. Again, the size is less important than knowing who will take care of your account and how you are considered by an agency.

In conclusion

Ask all questions you have and compare quotes. A true enthusiast will always be happy to answer your questions and explain how SEO works. They will not seek to close the deal at all costs. It is important that you trust the person who will take care of your online image. Price is indeed an important element to consider but is not the only one. If a company offers you a price that is 50% cheaper but does not fulfill their obligations, it will be more expensive in the long run than going through a company that fills all your expectations. In any case, the results you get will speak for themselves.

Do not hesitate to contact us at 514 572 7758 or via our contact form if you wish to speak with an expert who will answer all your questions. 

Eugénie Delhaye
Cofondatrice et Spécialiste Marketing Internet et Référencement Naturel (SEO) Ma maîtrise des techniques de référencement, combinée à une analyse minutieuse des tendances du marché, me permet de créer des stratégies SEO sur mesure, efficaces et durables.
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