You have most likely heard that content is king when it comes to web marketing. While it is not the only element to consider, it does indeed play an important role. Content helps you naturally promote your services, elevate your brand image and stand out from the competition, all while generating traffic to your site.
Content is essential, but only effective if it is high quality. In this article, experts from the SEO agency My Little Big Web explain how to generate web content that bears fruit.
Content helps you to naturally promote your services
The first advantage of content marketing is simple: you can promote your products or services organically. Blog articles often have a much less promotional tone than advertising campaigns. With its informative tone, a blog article is more subtle in its appeal to the consumer.
If you want to be persuasive, your article not only needs to be well written, but also has to include the service or product to be promoted in a positive context. The writer has to maintain a good balance between information and promotion in order to answer the Internet user’s question, while subtly presenting the advantages of your services.
Finally, the content you create has to be unique and relevant: if your content is too similar to existing content, or if it has no connection to your company, it will not be effective. It is therefore important to tackle new subjects and above all, to answer them! The goal isn’t to produce content for its own sake. Your articles should bring value to readers if you want to have a chance at converting them into customers.
Improve your brand image with quality content
If users enjoy reading your content, they will develop a positive perception of your brand. They will also keep you in mind when they need the products or services you offer. This is why the quality of your content is so important. Quantity is also important but it should never take precedence over quality.
When writing, keep the image you want to project in mind. Ideally, you should demonstrate your company’s expertise and knowledge in your industry: show the user that you are a reference in the industry, but don’t put yourself out there too much to preserve the objectivity of your articles.
More quality content, more conversions!
One of the biggest challenges for a content writer is converting the reader into a buyer and generating a profit for the company. There is no miracle formula for achieving a good conversion rate: you have to convince the user to take action through the power of content alone.
Blogging is useless if the articles you produce aren’t profitable: that’s why many companies turn to a web marketing agency’s expertise for their content, which greatly increases their chances of getting a return on investment, since the web agency knows how to write the articles and, most importantly, how to promote them so that they rank well on Google.
Increase traffic with content marketing
Another function of content marketing is driving traffic to your website. Users have to find you before they can buy your products or services. Creating web content is one of the best ways to guide them to you.
Traffic from search engines
Publishing unique, diverse and relevant articles on specific topics will help you significantly increase your site’s traffic. The more your articles are designed to answer specific questions, the more they will appear in search engine results.
This helps you generate organic traffic from users who are genuinely interested in your content. If they are interested in the information you provide, they will be more likely to use your services later.
In addition, this is one of the cheapest online customer acquisition methods. Articles don’t cost much to produce and they last longer than advertising campaigns.
Optimizing content for SEO
Unique, relevant and accurate articles will help you appear in search engine results, but do not necessarily guarantee that you will rank among the top results: this is where SEO comes into play.
Put simply, SEO optimization consists of writing articles while taking into account the ranking factors used by search engines (Google, in particular) to rank in the results.
Many elements have to be considered: the right choice of keywords and their placement in the text, inserting relevant hyperlinks, optimizing metadata, and more. Since it can be difficult to juggle these different factors, many companies turn to SEO experts (such as My Little Big Web) to write optimized content.
Stand out from the competition with your content
Unique and engaging blog articles that are optimized from an SEO standpoint and focus on specific topics will allow you to stand out from your competitors and, depending on your industry, rank ahead of them in the search engines.
Content is also the perfect vehicle for your brand image. If it is strong enough, it can set you apart from much larger competitors than you and create an emotional connection with the potential buyer, which will work in your favour when it comes to choosing a company’s services.
Content supports your other digital marketing strategies
An often overlooked advantage of content marketing is its compatibility with your other digital marketing strategies. Whether it’s your social networks, online advertising campaigns or email marketing, web content can be used to strengthen them.
If you don’t have interesting content to offer, people won’t remember your message, no matter what platform you’re on. Content is therefore the foundation of all your other web strategies.
Users want to read your (good) content!
Many companies are inclined to believe that Internet users have little interest in their content. That’s not true! In fact, they really appreciate it: 80% of Internet users like to learn more about a brand through its online content.
On the other hand, Internet users will not appreciate your content if it doesn’t meet their needs: that’s why, when writing, you need to know your audience and the questions they are asking.
Web content is still important
The importance of quality content is undeniable, whether for acquiring traffic or promoting your company and its services. If you take into account the interests of your target audience and what sets you apart from your competitors, you can create quality content. Finally, optimize your articles to strengthen their positioning on search engines, which will make you much more accessible.
If you need additional help in creating your web content, please do not hesitate to contact us: we will be happy to offer you a free quote. SEO writing holds no secrets for My Little Big Web’s team of SEO experts: with us, your web content is in safe hands