Web Analytics

How do you effectively analyze your web traffic with Google Analytics?

28 May 2021 Maxence Pezzetta

A free and easy-to-use tool, Google Analytics allows you to analyze a website’s traffic in order to determine how users interact with it.

The analysis stage is therefore essential if you want to increase traffic and it’s important to know what actions must be taken to improve your online audience!

Let’s take a closer look at what this tool has to offer.

What is Google Analytics?

The purpose of Google Analytics is to obtain various user information and paint a complete picture of a site and the detailed behavior of its visitors.

For example, the dashboard shows how many visitors browsed your site in the last week.

It allows you to gain insight on elements that need optimization (site and content) in order to:

  • Increase your online visibility;
  • Increase your online traffic;
  • Promote visitor loyalty;
  • Primarily attract a target audience (age, language, geography);

It goes without saying that to know what to optimize and how to do it, you must first understand the reactions and behaviors of your visitors or potential customers!

Moreover, Google Analytics is frequently used during natural (SEO) and paid (PPC) referencing. All the more reason to use this tool (for free!).

Analyzing your web traffic: the elements to consider

Several indicators can be found on the Google Analytics dashboard.

Let’s see what elements you should definitely consider in your web strategy. The following list is certainly not exhaustive, but it’s a good start!

Identify the gateway your visitors use

Do your visitors land on your website via your social networks, your blog, another site or after a web search?

No matter the source, you need to continue increasing qualified traffic from the most popular gateways and especially develop the channels that don’t attract enough visitors.

For example, if you find that users come from Twitter but almost never from Facebook, continue your work on the former and change your content strategy for the latter.

Above all, you need to understand the reasons traffic is impaired and find out how to overcome the problem.

Note the bounce rate

Do users leave your site almost as quickly as they arrived? Do they browse your pages? How long do they stay on your site before leaving?

Your bounce rate can provide some indications about how relevant your content is and user expectations regarding your offers.

If you are engaging visitors who don’t represent your target audience, you will need to optimize your website or target your keywords more effectively to attract the desired online crowd.

Find the most read pages

Check which pages are most visited: a blog post, the contact page, the home page, a specific product or service.

This will provide clues about the topics and information that your visitors are searching for.

For example, if some blog posts are more popular than others, create similar content.

If an article hasn’t been read much, it’s not necessarily due to disinterested users, but could perhaps just not have been seen enough times. Republish it on all your social platforms.

Identify the number of visits per user

Your marketing strategy will differ depending on the type of visitors: recurring or new.

If users only visit once, you will have to work to build loyalty. For example, if you want to increase the number of repeat visitors, create a newsletter and invite them to sign up.

If you only receive repeat visitors, then your strategy will be to attract new potential customers. Moreover, this tells you that once they are “hooked”, customers stay, but your site may lack the visibility needed to attract new visitors.

Determine what keywords users type

Online audience analysis also provides an overview of the keywords that users have typed in search engines to find your site.

This indicates what people are searching for in your field and what you need to focus on.

Unfortunately, Google will give you a hard time on this aspect since they are increasingly less inclined to provide the terms used to find your site.

Be sure to properly set up your Google Analytics tool for more information. Be careful, however, as there is no guarantee that the US giant will give you a hint about the visibility of this information!

Identify mobile and tablet visits

If you have mobile and tablet visitors, think about adapting your site to make it more visible, no matter the medium. If a user has trouble navigating the pages, they will most likely leave the site and never return.

Analyzing the visits made on these devices will give you good indications about the quality of your website’s mobile version.


In the end, Google Analytics is an effective platform for reviewing your web traffic.

It’s a valuable tool for improving your SEO and is extremely useful in tracking your Google AdWords advertising campaigns.

But be aware that the tool alone is not enough to understand the complexity of Internet users. In-depth analysis and a good understanding of the data collected will allow you to steer your traffic in the right direction!

Do you want the support of specialists? Don’t hesitate to contact our web agency and our certified Google Analytics experts will help you achieve your marketing goals!

Maxence Pezzetta
Cofondateur et Spécialiste Web Marketing et acquisition de clients Diplômé d’une double Maîtrise en Marketing et Communication, Max cumule plus de 10 ans d’expérience en Marketing digital. Ancien employé de Microsoft, sa mission est de « mettre le Web à la portée de tous » pour aider les entreprises à améliorer leur présence en ligne.
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