Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Web marketing: How to write an effective blog post

20 October 2023 Eugénie Delhaye

As part of web marketing-related activities, blog post writing holds an important place in the eyes of Google and in terms SEO, as well as being important for reader loyalty.

We strive to write blog post that we find relevant and interesting. Ones that, while respecting the constraints of web marketing, can attract and excite our audiences.

There are several articles on the web that advise you on the best way to write a blog post. Dan Petrovic, in his article “How to Write for the Web-a New Approach for Increased Engagement” offers us an analysis and an interesting approach. Indeed, by questioning the need to produce effort-consuming blog posts without actual readers, Dan Petrovic comes up with an ingenious WordPress plugin: Hypotext [+], to satisfy all readers.

Here is his train of though, tips and tools to help you write blog posts for web marketing.

Blog posts for web marketing: the triumph of reading diagonal.

A recent study (June 2015) shows about only 16% of readers actually read a web article word for word. The percentage is low enough, but what is more confusing is that a study conducted by Nielsen in 1997, also showed that only 16% of readers read an entire blog post.

The majority of readers read diagonally (briefly skimming the text).

With this in mind, the question becomes how can we write blog posts respecting web marketing while also making a difference for interest readers.

There is also a syndrome that I like to call ‘the frenzied impatience of the we.” We want it all, right away, quickly and to our liking.

Journalism techniques for your web marketing blog posts

In regards to the studies conducted, the reasons given by the readers as to why they did not read the entire blog post were:

  • Impatience and not find quick answers
  • Texts that are too long or boring
  • Loss of interest in reading the blog post
  • Little visual appeal (images, layout, website not adapted to different media)
  • Difficulty level regarding the text (writing style, complexity of subject)

A journalistic technique called the “inverted pyramid” offers, with out doubt, a different ways for you to write your web marketing blog posts.

This technique pushes writers to get right to the point by writing all the key elements, facts and answers in the first part of the blog post. Details on the subject can then be developed. While Suitable for print, this technique also allows eager readers to have rapid access to all essential information and, for those who have time, to browse the details in full.

You can also add the 5Ws (Who? What? When? Where? Why?) to this technique. Do you want to know more about the principles of the 5Ws? Look no further. (External link: needs English link)

However, Dan Petrovic reminds us: we are talking about the web and blog post about web marketing, we want our readers to have access to details without necessarily going to the end of the text. So, how can we give access to detailed information quickly without complicating the reading for other users?

Hypotext [+]: a solution for your web marketing blog posts?

By creating hypotext [+], a WordPress extension, Dan Petrovic allows readers to click on a word or phrase and develop the content of an article in order to read it in greater detail and customize the reading experience.

Be careful though. Even if the user experience is greatly enhanced, Dan Petrovic warns that Google does not like hidden text when indexing. Although some tricks exist, I strongly advise you to talk with your SEO agency about your decision to use this extension (or not).

Our last little big tip for writing your web marketing blog posts

Writing blog posts to help your web marketing is complex, because it requires you to both satisfy your readers and respect the SEO rules. Here are our final little big tips:

  • Structure: identify your goals, your target audience and structure your ideas
  • Adopt a simple style, use familiar words
  • Improve your layout (titles, subtitles, images)
  • Think about SEO
  • Put keywords and important information at the beginning of your blog post
  • Customize your blog post (put a little bit of your soul in it)

Feel free to let us know if you need any help with your web marketing strategy.

And you? Do you have any tips to share?

Do not hesitate to contact us at 514 572 7758 or via our contact form if you would talk to an expert who will answer all your questions.

Eugénie Delhaye
Cofondatrice et Spécialiste Marketing Internet et Référencement Naturel (SEO) Ma maîtrise des techniques de référencement, combinée à une analyse minutieuse des tendances du marché, me permet de créer des stratégies SEO sur mesure, efficaces et durables.
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